Unrealistic Expectations About Love

“The most famous movie couples have the ability to turn cynics into believers, critics into fans, and can even warm the iciest of hearts.

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In a recent Cosmopolitan article, Pauline Jayne Isaac lists the 36 greatest on-screen love stories of all time. She begins:

“You’re sitting on the couch, soaking in a new movie. Next thing you know, butterflies are fluttering in your stomach, your eyes are tingling, and you begin to feel something deep in your belly—wait a sec, is that…hope? These symptoms are often associated with watching a legit love story. The most famous movie couples have the ability to turn cynics into believers, critics into fans, and can even warm the iciest of hearts. Whether it’s a romantic comedy or a drama—the outcome is the same. Love stories make you believe in love.”

But the title of her article reveals a problem; “Sorry, But I Just Have to Say It: These Iconic Movie Couples Gave Me Unrealistic Expectations About Love.” Unrealistic expectations are a key issue in marriages.

Over the years, of course, countless love stories have been told at the box office. Isaac limited her list by selecting stories that met three criteria: “the couples have to be aspirational, the chemistry palpable, and most importantly, the love has to be intense.”

Perhaps Hollywood love stories create unrealistic expectations because they are not love stories at all. Real love is forged from something deeper, and long-lasting. An authentic love story is not built on the glamour of aspiration, the feel of chemistry, or the thrill of intensity. These experiences come and go over a lifetime. But real love remains.

God’s work of grace in Jesus Christ is the “legit love story.” The only one that has “the ability to turn cynics into believers, critics into fans, and can even warm the iciest of hearts.”

Key Texts

John 15:13: 
Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.

Ephesians 5:25:
Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her. 

Proverbs 17:17:
A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity. 

Key Topics

divorce, love, marriage


Isaac, Paulina Jayne. “Sorry, But I Just Have to Say It: These Iconic Movie Couples Gave Me Unrealistic Expectations About Love.” Cosmopolitan, August, 2020. Retrieved from https://sports.yahoo.com/sorryjust- iconic-movie-couples-223900361/photo-p-class-body-dropcap-youre- 223900020.html