Accept Your Coach’s Vision
“I work with the players to accept their coach’s vision and to develop the skills to excel in that role.
Welcome to the GospelFrames Archive
“I work with the players to accept their coach’s vision and to develop the skills to excel in that role.
Knowing the truth, even when it’s grim, does not preclude experiencing hope. . . Hope is possible even under dire circumstances.
All glory goes to God, man.
“I’m not a religious person or anything, and if there was a God, this is proof that there isn’t.
“There is danger in making too much of humanity’s immutable nature, and folly in emphasizing only our worst aspects.
“The concept that God, through Jesus, embraces and pardons all of us – from those we admire to those we might judge or resent – is powerful.
“Dear Lord, Please accept my application for Eternal Life.
“Well, my plan is maybe a miracle will happen and everything will be fine. Which is what I think everyone has been thinking for two years. Just: I guess the plan is to just hope?”
“Once you take that first step, the next step is easier, and the step after that becomes easier
“there is nothing wrong, lame or corny about being wholesome