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. . . where the truth they need
meets the world they know. . .

What we do. . .

In a single sentence: We serve Christian communicators by locating impactful points of Gospel contact in contemporary culture.

Each week, we publish a Sermon Resource Brief spotlighting the freshest content for preaching on the internet. Each brief is “skim-friendly” and each article is designed to be read in under 5 minutes. Condensing hours worth of work down to just a few minutes. It’s in the news one week and in your sermon the next.

Values / Mission / Vision

Here is what we believe. . . and what we hope to do about it.


1. The Bible is God’s revealed Word. And the Gospel it teaches is the single resource for change He has provided.
2. Followers of Jesus are called to teach what God taught. We do not emphasize our wisdom but his.
3. All of creation declares God’s handiwork and is fit to teach us something about His glory.
4. To preach like Jesus, we must leverage creation to create vivid, relevant, and engaging images that communicate Scriptural truth.


We advance the Gospel of Christ for the glory of God by helping Christian communicators connect biblical truth to everyday life.


We want to become the leading online sermon resource site for preachers, teachers, and authors as they share the Gospel of Christ for the glory of God.

For all the ways you
share God’s Word

Whether your ministry is teaching, preaching, writing, bloggingsocial media or all the above, GospelFrames can help you communicate and connect.

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Here are few questions you might be asking right now. . .

Q: Do we really need illustrations? Shouldn’t I just trust the Spirit to make the meaning clear?

A: The work of the Holy Spirit is at the core of everything we do. Since he was the author of Scripture, this is especially true of sharing biblical truth.

But, in his sovereignty, God has chosen to work through the agency of humans. We do need the Holy Spirit to illuminate the mind of our listeners (and our own mind for that matter). In Scripture itself, we repeatedly see how God uses metaphor to teach his Word (c.f. Jeremiah 18:1-11). 

Q: Some of the material in the archive is from media that contains foul language or inappropriate scenes, are you OK with that? 

A: We always strive to indicate when we are aware that an illustration is taken from a source with an unbiblical narrative, content, or language.  But the real problem, of course, is not the arrangement of letters that create words considered by our culture to be foul. The problem is the rebellion, anger, and perversion behind the words being spoken. And one can express rebellion, anger, and perversion without using foul language or imagery. Both Paul and Jesus employed illustrations based on people and circumstances that would have been considered non-canonical or even offensive (Matthew 15:17; Acts 17:27–29; 1 Corinthians 4:13; Jude 14–15). They did this to make their point. That doesn’t mean they endorsed the material. Plus, our listeners need to know how to exegete the culture around them in light of biblical truth. Pretending like such material doesn’t exist does not make it go away.

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About the Author

Hello! And welcome to GospelFrames. I am Major Dalton and, along with a small team of freelance researchers, it is my sincere pleasure to serve the Christian community by supporting the work of preachers, teachers, and authors. For more than ten years, I have served as a ghost writer/researcher for fellow pastors and teachers across the United States. Having been a regular contributor to premium online preaching resources, I have a deep conviction that God’s Word is the solution for the greatest needs in humanity. The greatest thing his followers can do is share that message with the greatest clarity, the way Jesus shared God’s Word, using illustrations. 

 After undergraduate work I completed the Certificate in Biblical Counseling from BCI, the Advanced Master of Divinity in Preaching & Pastoral Leadership from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, and the Doctor of Ministry from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. My dissertation focused on the development of a preaching plan appropriate for persons with visual impairment.

Having served churches in Tennessee, Texas, Illinois, and Georgia, I have found one constant. People everywhere need the life changing truth of Scripture and illustrations are an indispensable resource in sharing that truth.

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The sermon resource based on the most current literature, news, arts, and pop culture happenings. GospelFrames is where the truth they need meets the world they know!

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